Saturday, August 25, 2012

Kindle Cover

I have had this project sitting and waiting around since Christmas, when my husband gave me a Kindle.  Two days after, I went to Spool to buy the fabric; a week after that, I bought a pattern from Etsy; eight months later, that's how far I got.

Once the quilt was finished, I felt free to start something new in the quilting arena of crafting.  Behold, my quilted Kindle cover!
With coordinating wood grain pattern inside:
The binding is the same as my quilt, since I had a few yards left over.  I was too lazy to break out the sewing machine to do this (actually, too lazy to find the power cord and pedal, which had been separated from the machine for a few months), so it's all hand-quilted and hand-bound.  I'm so excited to have this to protect my beloved e-reader finally!

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